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WHMCS & banklink (Swedbank, SEB, LHV, Cooppank, Luminor)
Modules for making the payments on bank reference.This is one of the simplest and most reliable methods of payment, as the transmitted data is encrypted.
The recipient, after a successful payment, immediately receives a confirmation of payment.
Supports: Swedbank, SEB, LHV, Cooppank, Luminor.
Starting from November 2014 supports new packages of Banklink (New Bank Link Technical Description, version: 1.4 from 23.10.2014).
Version: 1.4.3 for WHMCS version: 5.x, 7.0.x-7.7.x, 8.x
Version: 1.5.0 support Swedbank ver. 009
Version: 1.5.1 small fix with filename
Installation modules
- Unzip file whmcs-payment-banklink1_5_1-by-sparksoft.zip
- Put it to [WHMCS]/modules/gateways/
must be:
/modules/gateways/ [banklinkcooppank.php, banklinklhv.php, banklinkseb.php, banklinkswedbank.php, banklinkluminor.php]
/modules/gateways/callback/ [banklinkcooppank.php, banklinklhv.php, banklinkseb.php, banklinkswedbank.php, banklinkluminor.php]
- Login as Admin to WHMCS
- Select in menu: Setup->Payment->Payment Gateway
- Click on menu Activate Module [Swedbank Banklink, SEB Banklink, Luminor Banklink, Cooppank Banklink, LHV Banklink]
- For each (Swedbank Banklink, SEB Banklink, Luminor Banklink, Cooppank Banklink, LHV Banklink) -> Edit Configuration & check "Show on Order Form"
- You can change Display name for each module, for example: Swedbank Banklink -> Swedbank
- Configuration:
- Field "Merchant's ID" - VK_SND_ID - see contract or a email from the bank, it specified.
- Field "Private_key" - this is your private key, put your Private Key.
- Field "Public_key" - this is a public key of bank, example: (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ...), each bank has its key!
- Field "Form_url" - is the url where to send the request for payment.
SEB: https://www.seb.ee/cgi-bin/unet3.sh/un3min.r
SWEDBANK: https://www.swedbank.ee/banklink
LHV: https://www.lhv.ee/banklink
Cooppank: https://i.cooppank.ee/teller/maksa
Luminor: https://banklink.luminor.ee