200,00 (excl. VAT)

no resale rights

WHMCS & EveryPay (open banking + creditcards)

Module for making the payments via EveryPay.
Easy and fast way of making payments, especially for customers from other countries.
The recipient, after a successful payment, immediately receives a confirmation of payment.
  • creditcards (VISA, MasterCard, Verified by VISA, Securecode).
  • open banking (Swedbank, SEB, Luminor, LHV, Citadele, COOP)
For WHMCS version: 7.x, 8.x

Installation module

  1. Unzip file whmcs-payment-everypay-by-sparksoft.zip
  2. Put it to [WHMCS]/modules/gateways/
    must be:
    /modules/gateways/ [everypay.php]
    /modules/gateways/callback/ [everypay.php]
    /modules/gateways/everypay/ [logo.png, whmcs.json]
  3. Login as Admin to WHMCS
  4. Select in menu: Setup->Payment->Payment Gateway
  5. Click on menu Activate Module [EveryPay]
  6. You can change Display Name for module, for example: EveryPay -> Credit Cards(VISA/MC)
  7. Configuration:
    • Field "Gateway URL"
      - Test environment: https://igw-demo.every-pay.com/api/v4
      - Production environment: https://pay.every-pay.eu/api/v4
    • Fields "API Username", "API Password/Secret", "Account Name" - see on Merchant portal.
      Note: API Username and Password/Secret are different in Production and Test environment.
      Test Merchant Portal: https://mwt-demo.every-pay.com/merchant_settings/general
      Production Merchant Portal: https://portal.every-pay.eu/merchant_settings/general
    • Field "Payment Method" - choose a payment method: "VISA/MasterCard" or "Open banking + VISA/MasterCard"
    • Field "Default payment language" - set the default payment language.
P.S. When you're finished, do yourself a small invoice(0.01 EUR) and try to make the payment.


EveryPay install EveryPay configuration EveryPay log